9 Daily Positive Affirmations to  Boost Confidence In  Kids


Affirmations are short, powerful positive statements that motivate, encourage, and empower. They can be recited aloud or silently.

Postive Affirmations

Today is going to be amazing!

Starting with a positive attitude helps little ones set the tone for the day.


This one is great to recite when learning seems like a challenge for your little one.

I am smart  & love to learn


Reassure your child and build their self-esteem by reminding them that they are beautiful.

I am beautiful


I am strong and capable


Remind your little one of their strength and ability to handle new challenges and tasks.


I am special and unique

Don't just recite this one, but have your little one share what makes them unique and special.

I am helpful and kind

This is a great one to recite to instill a helper's attitude and  the joy we receive when helping others.


Perfect for little ones who struggle with listening and need a gentle reminder.

I am  a good listener


I love to have my little ones recite this one when they feel defeated or incapable of learning a new concept.

I practice to get better



I will do my best

Encourage little ones to do their best and give the most effort to set the tone for the day.

I love hearing my little ones recite their affirmations in the mornings without being prompted. You will too!

Hope you enjoyed this list!

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