5 Tips to Help  Your Child Overcome  First Day  Jitters 

5 Tips to Help  Your Child Overcome  First Day  Jitters 


First-day jitters are a normal feeling for a child to experience when starting a new school or a new grade level. Here's 5 Tips to help ease those jitters. 

First Day Jitters

Acknowledge  the emotions

Allow your child to express the emotions and acknowledge that it is normal to feel that way.


Read a children's book about first-day jitters. Tap below to view my top picks to read!

Read a book together


Reassure your child that their teacher is there to support them and make them feel comfortable in the classroom.

Talk about the Teacher


Rehearse first day introductions


Meeting new classmates and making new friends can feel overwhelming. Practice introducing yourself and conversation starters.


Share a special hug, keepsake, or note

Share matching bracelets, a special hug, or leave a special note as a reminder that they are not alone and are deeply loved.

Visit My Blog  for More tips 



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