Becoming a Mother | Experienced Tips on Preparing for Motherhood
Looking at the two strips on the pregnancy test kit or hearing the doctor tell you “you’re pregnant” is one of the unforgettable moments in a woman’s life. After the euphoria, you face the phase of preparing for motherhood, a whole new journey.
Besides having to prepare for the baby, it is crucial to prepare to be a mother. Many expectant mothers do not focus on their mental health as they often get carried away with the euphoria of having a baby, especially first-time moms.
Postpartum depression is a severe clinical condition, and it doesn’t only affect the mom but also everyone around her. As much as you need to focus on your baby, please focus on yourself.
Physical and mental preparation for motherhood is what makes the whole journey rewarding. It helps you avoid depression and fully embrace the joy that motherhood brings. Today, I’m sharing a few tips that I’ve learned as a mother of two. But first, ….
What is motherhood?
Motherhood is the state of being a mother; this can happen when a child is born or through adoption, or marrying someone with children.
Becoming a mother is one of the highest callings of a woman, and it’s a fulfilling experience most women hope to have. But as wonderful and exciting as it is, it no doubt comes with its bag of challenges and changes that shake up your world physically and emotionally, especially if you are transitioning to motherhood for the first time.
To be a mother, you must be physically fit, mentally capable, and emotionally sound for all the changes you’ll experience. If you think being a woman is not easy, being a mother is a woman raised to the power of 100. You have to be available in all spheres through every phase of your child’s development. Even when your child has a child, they will still call you mother.
When should you start preparing for motherhood?
Motherhood starts with the first pregnancy, which alters your body, diet, and many other things about you, which is why the best preparation starts months before getting pregnant.
Women see motherhood differently. Some women see motherhood as an obstacle, a burden, or an unwanted interference in their lives, making them approach pregnancy with a faulty mindset and erroneous information.
Sadly, this perception has resulted in several casualties, deformities, child/maternal mortality, and unmentionable discomforts.
Pregnancy and motherhood can be a pleasurable journey if you prepare for it and approach it with the right attitude.
Preparing for motherhood
While the adage that “nothing can prepare you for parenthood (motherhood)” is mostly true, there are some things you can do to get you into the right headspace before you have kids, and this involves preparing in the following areas:
Preparing emotionally during pregnancy can reduce the risk of mood disorders like postpartum anxiety and depression and ease the transition to motherhood. These are some tips to prepare yourself emotionally:
Prepare your body changes
Body changes in pregnancy are inevitable. One of the primary reasons some women dread being pregnant is the unpredictability of these changes. Some people become almost unrecognizable with their body fat, stretch marks, and sudden enlargement of their breasts. If you are highly self-conscious, you must prepare your mind twice as hard for pregnancy and eliminate biased opinions.
Have a support group
Your support group can be like family members, friends, or other pregnant women willing to share their experiences with you. You can form or be part of a group where they share positive birth discussions and get educated on things to expect.
This can help you understand what is normal and what needs a trip to the doctor. The fantastic thing is that a support group doesn’t need to be physical, but you must be careful of virtual groups and verify the handler’s certification.
Read up on pregnancy and breastfeeding
I think it should be mandated for every expecting mother to read up on these topics because they will educate you and give you the right mindset and approach to delivery, breastfeeding, and parenting.
You will learn the different available options and be able to make better decisions regarding your baby.
Have your ‘me’ time
Personal time is crucial when you are preparing for motherhood.
Spend time with yourself. Take time to think about the pregnancy and how you feel about it. It will help you to identify and understand your fears while also allowing you to find ways to work around them.
Face your fears
This tip is essential for emotionally or mentally preparing for motherhood. We’ve all had our fair dose of people’s opinions about motherhood, and while some are awww-worthy, others can make you scared.
Whatever fears or misconceptions you have about motherhood, it is best to face them before you become a mother. You have to read books, ask questions, and sometimes, mentally recondition your mind for something positive.
You can try positive affirmations and surround yourself with the right and positive people.
Talk about parenting with your spouse
Your spouse is an essential part of you and your child’s life; therefore, he needs to be carried along with all the changes, happenings, and plans for welcoming the baby. Talk about parenting with your spouse, how you want to train your child, and how you will handle chores and other things.
Prayer is vital for motherhood preparations. Commit all the steps and your fears into God’s hands. There are so many uncertainties about pregnancy and motherhood that it is essential to invite God to take control.
Prayer goes before you and sets things straight. When you pray to God, you find the wisdom, strength, and calm you need to deliver, nurse, and train your baby.
A woman can physically prepare herself for the wide ride of motherhood. People often overlook many physical aspects, and here are some ways a mum-to-be can physically prepare for motherhood.
Having a prenatal massage
A prenatal massage helps you get into a good physical state before the baby’s arrival. After the first trimester, you are safe to practice prenatal massages. If you want to engage in any massage therapy, make sure you go to a certified massage therapist and practice only approved massages in the correct positions.
Some forms of exercise, like Kegel, helps control your pelvic muscles during labor. You can also practice activities like yoga, walking, and swimming.
Attend parenting classes
I always encourage attending parenting classes with your spouse because this helps to open up parenting discussions. You get to discover the options available, learn what you need to decide on, hear from other people’s experiences, and just keep learning.
You also get to ask questions when you need to; the fun part is that you are doing it together, saving you the stress of having to explain things from scratch.
Get enough rest
Trust me; you need enough time to pamper yourself as an expectant mother. I mean, you have to go through pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding, so you need to conserve your strength.
Reduce the intensity of chores, get help if needed, make more light and low-stress dinner, take yourself out, sleep more, and literally bring stress to a zero unless necessary.
Spend time with your spouse
During pregnancy, it is easy to focus on yourself and your baby that you forget about daddy. Spend more time with your husband, go for walks, laugh, and have fun. It also helps to take your mind off your fears.
Go for antenatal and checkups
Your medical checkup is important to you and your baby. With several complications arising in pregnancy, you need to go for your antenatal programs and be free to check in with your doctor constantly.
Set up the nursery
Set up your baby nursery with your husband. Buy all your baby essentials and arrange them for your baby’s arrival.
Bonus: Hospital essentials for delivery
It’s a good idea to prepare your baby’s hospital bag and pack about a month before your due date. Most hospitals provide a list of what to bring, and here are some of the recommendations.
- Documentation from the hospital as well as identification and health insurance details
- Free clothing
- Flip-flops and slippers
- Body lotion or massage oil
- Sponge and water spray
- Maternity pads
- Underwears
- Some books or magazines
- Smartphone or watch to time your contractions.
- Olive oil
- Spirit and cotton wool
- Disinfectant
- Bathing sponge or foam
- Bathing soap
- Bodysuit
- Vests
- Bibs
- Foldable bed nets
- Cardigans
- Baby towels
- Napping cream or shea butter
- Gloves
- Pack of diapers and baby wipes
- Flask
- Approved infant car seat.
Let’s Recap
Motherhood is an exciting journey that can fill you with unimaginable joy. The best thing you can do for your small bundle of joy is to be healthy physically and mentally.
If you are a first-time mom, I’d advise you always to share your experience with a more experienced person. It could be a professional or even your mom because you might not have the luxury to visit the hospital for every worry, but having an experienced person available will help you a lot.
In preparing for motherhood, you must intentionally take care of your mental health, have a support system, and always communicate your feelings. Don’t keep things to yourself; give yourself some pampering and love your new body.
Whatever fears you have about motherhood, I assure you it will be alright. You are amazing, and I’m sure you will be an incredible mother.
Did this post give you a level of assurance and confidence? Are you a first-time mom? What motherhood tips did you practice? How was your mental health after delivery? I’d love to connect with you. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.
READ ALSO: 10 Healthy Tips for Stay-at-home moms to avoid feeling down.
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