How to Start a Christian Blog in 2024 | A Complete Guide
If you’ve ever thought of reaching a larger audience with the gospel, there is no better way to do this than to start a Christian blog.
But what are the details of how to start a Christian blog? You may ask
The debate about the pros and cons of technology never gets old. No matter how much we argue it, there are certain privileges that technology has given us. For us Christians, having access to various Christian blogs online has helped our Christian faith in no small way.
Sometimes, it might seem like only a handful of Christians uphold biblical standards, so for me, it is always refreshing to come online and see a lot of Christian creators who share the same beliefs and values as me.
Not only that, but digital evangelism has also become a faster way to spread God’s love to a large number of people. The popularity of Christian blogs is on the rise, and it’s incredible how people can get answers to questions and get encouraged in the Word.
Do you want to start a Christian blog but are at a wit’s end on how to get started? I’ve got you covered. You can learn tips and tools to use that will help you get God’s word to more people while also serving as a source of income.

Should Christians blog?
Okay, aside from the fact that it allows you to share the word of God with literally the whole world, blogging is also a way to make income, be your own boss, and employ others without compromising your faith.
Even though we live in a world that seems to accept any kind of belief system, it is impressive how much antagonism Christians face in the real world. It’s not surprising to us because Christ told us we would experience this lack of acceptance.
Blogging for Christians can be an alternative to avoid workplace scenarios that would want you to compromise your faith.
How to start a Christian blog
The first step before deciding on this will be to ask God and seek advice from mentors. If you haven’t done that, you should before you keep reading.
Starting a Christian blog is relatively the same as starting other kinds of blogs regarding technicalities. I will give you a step-by-step guide on how to go about it with links to relevant sites that can educate you more on the process.
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1. Decide on your content buckets
I know you think that ‘Christian’ blogging is the content bucket for you, and you just want to write on everything christianly; this may be true and possible, but if you really want to do this blogging thing right, it’s best to focus on an aspect of Christianity or at the very most, four aspects.
You can write on motherhood, marriage, faith, work, ministry, evangelism, prayer, and so on. The truth is that there are different aspects of Christianity you can write on, and trying to cover everything might make your website look unprofessional.
However, having a specific thing you are known for makes you more credible to readers and helps you attract a defined audience.
Your content buckets will become the focus of your blog and a place of authority. It means you should select something you can write on effortlessly and sustain.

2. Research on it
After selecting your preferred content buckets, you should research them. Check out already existing websites with these kinds of content, check their audience, read the comments on their posts, and observe their tone, affiliated brands, and every tiny detail.
While doing this, also find out ways you can do better and be unique. Make sure to write your findings, so you don’t lose track.
The purpose is to get inspiration for your website and ensure that it aligns with what exists online.
3. Choose a name
You might want to go a bit old school with your pen and paper here. When selecting a name for your Christian blog, you want to make it memorable to your audience and you. Another thing to note is that your blog name should be the same or at least a 90% match with your domain name.
You might want to use your name as your blog and domain name, but if you are not going into a Christian lifestyle using your personal life as inspiration, I advise you to stick to something less personal. It is because you might turn off buyers when you decide to sell your website.
There are specific tips you need to follow when selecting your blog name:
- Don’t use abbreviations
- Don’t make it too long
- Make sure your domain is a .com
- Don’t be too specific.
When you have a list of possible names, you can check their availability online to ensure they are available but do not buy any just yet.
4. Get web hosting
Here’s where the technicalities start.
Web hosting simply means a platform that houses your website/domain. You can use several web hosting platforms, but the best so far will be Hostinger. With Hostinger, sign up for the WordPress starter pack, which is priced at $3.99/month. You will surely get a free domain name (check the availability of any domain name you choose). It also helps you create a WordPress account if you don’t already have one, and it is preinstalled for you.
Check out this video tutorial for more details on Hostinger
Hostinger – Tutorial Review and Complete Demo! [ COMPLETE ]
5. Select and Customize your theme
There are tons of free themes available on the WordPress platform, and all you have to do is select a theme that appeals to you and get it customized.
6. Customize & Optimize your website
You might want to add other things to your website besides what is already provided, like plugins and pictures. Also, you can outsource your website to a technical SEO expert to ensure that everything is up to date and help position your website for the best.
7. Create blog topic ideas
Once your website is up to date and running fine. It’s time to get to work and start brainstorming for ideas that will wow your audience and search engines.
The difference in Christian blogging comes into play here. Your content is what will differentiate you from other blogs out there. Ensure that your blog topic ideas are not different from your content buckets. If you have decided to talk about Christian dating, you don’t want to start on topic ideas like divorce or motherhood.
8. Write 20 optimized blog posts
Ruth Adeyemi of SARMLife says that all you need for your website are 20 fully optimized blog posts, which is very accurate, and with these blog posts, you can get your new site into an enviable place on result pages.
Read more about SEO writing tips.
9. Create a content calendar
Your 20 blog posts are not going on the web all at once. You need to create a workable content calendar for your posts to keep up with the posting schedule even when the 20 blog posts are all exhausted.
10. Consistency
Beyond being a blogger, Christianity teaches us to be consistent in whatever we do. To reach many people with God’s word successfully, you need to learn how to be consistent and maintain that enthusiasm.
If you think you aren’t making a difference, it’s just the devil trying to stop you.
Lessons & Tips from being a Christian blogger
I will round this up with lessons I’ve learned over the years as a Christian blogger. It hasn’t been an easy road, but I’m here because of God and hard work.
- Whether you see it or not, you are making a difference
- Let God lead!
- Don’t be so caught up in blogging that you forget the purpose
- Don’t be defined by the competition
- Give yourself to learning
- Share personal experiences
- Network
There have been many times along this journey where I doubted myself, doubted my skill, and even lost sight of my “why”. But one thing I will never regret is taking the leap of faith to start my blog.
Yes, there will be days when you don’t have anything to share. There will be days when the technicalities will frustrate you, but I want to encourage you to take the leap and keep going. Seek help in the areas where you don’t know what to do. Lastly, keep your “why” present at all times to keep you motivated.
Let’s Recap
Learning how to start a Christian blog isn’t so difficult when you have the necessary knowledge and a worthy mentor. That your blog is a faith-based blog doesn’t mean that the setup will be different from other types of niches out there, and the difference is in your contents, so make sure not to trade that for anything else.
Also, you might encounter challenges as you grow your blog, but it’s pretty normal, so you need to ensure that your blog is set up correctly. You may also need to constantly update yourself on changes in the industry to keep abreast of technological changes.
Are you just starting out as a blogger? Do you have Christian blogging experience? What blogging tip stood out to you most? Let’s chat in the comments, I’d love to support you on your journey.
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