How to Grow Your Faith | Tips for Wives and Mothers
As a wife and mother, I don’t think I can emphasize enough how much and how important it is that every woman should learn how to grow your faith. When I say every woman, I mean it.
God has designed us to be homemakers, both physically and spiritually. We determine the kind of atmosphere in our future homes. You know that with great power comes great responsibility. If you lack faith with no spiritual backbone, you ultimately relinquish your authority over your home.
And you wonder why the things happening right now aren’t what you want?
Sis, how is your faith level?
What I’ll share with you is beyond faith tips; it’s an absolute essential you need for your home—right now or in the future. When your home is made right, the products that will come from it will be top-notch. You don’t want kids that are like toys to the devil, nor do you want kids who do not understand faith. Right?!

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Importance of growing your faith
Like I said earlier, consistently growing your faith will help you have spiritual control over your home. Aside from the things that faith can do for you, it also has a way of affecting your husband and children. Here are some of the importance:
- For yourself
- It gives you spiritual control over your home.
- It also affects your character and reaction to things around your home.
- It builds in you the attributes needed to have a successful home.
- It makes you confident in God and His plans for you.
- You will become a more sensitive woman.
- For your kids
- A faith-filled mom breeds godly children.
- You will lead your kids on the right path with the help of God.
- They will have good character.
- You will provide a spiritual covering for them.
- You will give them a positive, godly upbringing.
- Your faith will make them believe in the possibility of faith life.
- For your family
- It aligns you with God’s plans.
- It keeps your family under God’s protection.
- You will have access to all spiritual blessings.
- It will teach you how to activate the supernatural for your family.
How to grow your faith | tips and routines
Here are my top ways to grow your faith as a mother:
Read your Bible and practice it
The Bible is the best guide ever, and creating a habit of daily reading your bible will help you grow closer to God and strengthen your faith. Start with the scriptures if you are learning how to grow your faith.
Beyond reading it, you also need to learn how to practice it. The Bible has written sets of instructions that need to be followed. In it, you will see the path others had taken and where it led them: the mistakes, the journey, the routines, and habits. Seeing and reading these things without learning or practicing them will leave you with head knowledge without any impact.
For the Bible to impact your life, you must practice the instructions you read deliberately.
Have your trusted devotional
Devotionals are lovely, especially when struggling with inconsistencies in building your faith. They can be helpful, and the fun part is there are different types of devotionals. If you need a written, hardback cover or audiobook, you can get it. There are also video devotionals.
Don’t forsake the assembling of other believers.
If you intend to grow your faith, you have to make sure to attend services. Engage in several church activities and services. Make time for God’s things, no matter how busy your schedule is. There is something that fellowship with fellow Christians does to you; you get a certain awareness and a faith surge with the fellowship that you cannot get anywhere else.
It’s good to have a personal relationship with God in your closet, but you also need the fellowship of fellow-minded Christians.
If you are too busy with your schedule, you can join a virtual fellowship, but a physical one is better.
Read spiritual books and media
In addition to devotionals, you also need spiritual books to boost your faith. Spiritual books go more personal and contain faith stories of others, their journey, and lessons they have learned. It is often said that experience is the best teacher, but there are some things you do not need to know by experience, but you can learn from the experience of others, which is what spiritual books will give you.
Pray fervently
To grow your faith, you should pray and keep praying. No matter how much effort you put in, without God’s help, you will just keep working alone. “Except the Lord builds a house, they that build it will labor in vain,” and this is true for all man’s efforts.
You can pray to God to help you grow your faith and give you the needed strength and wisdom to grow your faith.
Replace bad habits with good ones
Learning how to grow your faith can seem like a big hurdle to cross, but when you think of it, it all comes down to the little habits you develop. I got challenged with the lives of my friends sometime back when they always seemed to include God in every conversation, and I realized that they deliberately developed such a habit.
Start with your confessions and put on soul-lifting music when prepping meals or in the shower. Put the sound on for your audio bible, so you can listen while driving, place scripture cards where you can easily see them, and set a reminder for your church activities and personal time.
Evangelize / Give hope
Sharing the Gospel will also help you grow your faith. It could be because of the principle of giving and receiving, but talking to someone about God, giving hope to others, and sharing the good news help you as well.
It helps you to seek more of God and increase your faith.
Let’s Recap
By learning how to grow your faith, you’re not only helping yourself; you are also helping your kids and setting your marriage up for success.
As a praying and faith-filled mother, you set an example for your children. Beyond what you tell them, it’s what you show them that truly sticks through the years.
How often do you pray? How often do you trust God? Which of these routines do you think you’ll be able to do?
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READ ALSO: How to have faith in God without doubting
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